Second Sunday of Lent - 9am and Choral Eucharist

Those of you who were here on Ash Wednesday this Lent will have heard a passage from Isaiah 58, in which the prophet described the sort of fasting the penitence that the Lord God wants to see in the lives of his holy people.

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Second Sunday Before Lent - Choral Evensong

Into a garden close to Lambeth Palace a wife enters with a caller to find her husband in his birthday suit, naked, nude, nothing on, sitting under a tree in the sunshine reading Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’

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Second Sunday before Lent - 9am and Choral Eucharist

Nothing, and I do Literally mean nothing, sends more of a tingle down my spine or touches me more profoundly than the final reading at the Cathedral Carol Service in the week before Christmas when one of the clergy here stands in the middle of the tower space in the darkened Cathedral and reads the verses that we have just heard from John 1

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