Tuesday in Holy Week

The once sunny sky must have become cloudy. Someone thought that they heard thunder. They were listening to Jesus teaching. This is what Jesus was spending his time doing; he could never stop it, never stop teaching the people. After all he was a natural.

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The Fifth Sunday of Lent - Choral Evensong - Eve of the Feast of St Joseph

In Homer’s epic poem, ‘The Odyssey’, Telemachus, when asked by Pallas Athene whether or not he was the son of Odysseus, replied: “It is a wise child who knows its own father." That’s where the saying comes from that we’re more familiar with and which came to my mind as we prepare this evening to celebrate the Feast of St Joseph tomorrow.

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Fourth Sunday of Lent - Choral Evensong

For the last few weeks, whether or not we are mothers, have mothers alive and in contact, have parental responsibilities of any kind, are men, women or transgender, none of us can fail to have noticed the cards, flowers and gifts for Mother’s Day prominently displayed in shops and supermarkets

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